The mini-documentary “Chão de Terreiro – experiences and knowledge”, was produced by the Cultural Collective and Umbanda Terreiro Mensageiro dos Ventos (TUMV), coordinated by the proponent and journalist Nathan Rocha da Silva. The recordings took place during the months of May and June 2024, at the TUMV headquarters, in the town of Barra I, rural area of Morro do Chapéu. “Chão de Terreiro – experiences and knowledge” tells a little about the history of the Umbanda Terreiro Mensageiro dos Ventos, based on the memories and learnings of the Umbanda practitioners interviewed. And it aims to deepen the discussion on the fight against racism and religious intolerance in the territory of Morro do Chapéu through audiovisual production, valuing and disseminating the culture of the Afro-Brazilian religion of Morro do Chapéu. This project has financial support from the Federal Government, via the Paulo Gustavo Law, through the Ministry of Culture, with incentive from the Municipal Government of Morro do Chapéu, through the Municipal Secretariat of Culture and Tourism. Technical Details/Team Script and direction: Nathan Rocha Coordination: Nathan Rocha Director of photography: Dione Veloso Operational assistant: Caíque José Production assistant: Francisco do Espírito Santo Research: Nathan Rocha Editing and finalization: Nathan Rocha Original music: Ogãs of TUMV Publicity/Social media Clara Silva Cast: Amália of Imenajá Seu Detinho Fidelina of Imenjá Mother Geovania of Oyá Ogã Caíque of Obaluaê Ogã Francisco of Ogum Father Nathan of Exu Ventania