We would appreciate your support with likes and comments. Please also subscribe to our channel. ↓Previous videoIt's like real bait! The power of the small fish worms was amazing... • It's like real bait! The power of the small fish worms was amazing... ↓Related videos↓ 300 yen for big fish over and over! Gyomu Super's "frozen shishamo" was an amazing bait... • 300 yen for big fish over and over! Gyomu Super's "frozen shishamo" was an amazing bait... 200 yen for a great catch! Gyomu Super's "frozen sardines" was the best bait... • 200 yen for a great catch! Gyomu Super's "frozen sardines" was the best bait... ♦blog "Tabikatsuri Blog" https://keeemura.com/ ♦Twitter / keeemuraa ♦Instagram / keeemura #BukkomiFishing #GyomuSuper #TabikatsuriChannel