OLGA wants you to SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://bit.ly/OlgaYT Argentina's favorite duo is back and it was in front of the AGLO cameras. We started with a SPINETTEAN ROOSTER FIGHT and talking about what the second episode of La Cruda was like. BARASSI came and competed with Miguele in THE NEXT QUESTION IS NEXT, leaving us with incredible moments and showing us the competitive side of Darío and El Tanito. We close this great program with Cecilia Cé and a talk about sexual health and its importance today. 00:00 BENJA DEAR 04:10 We have to go to Spain 09:40 Physical changes 20:00 Stream multiverse 28:00 Saba's theme 49:00 SPINETTEAN COCKFIGHT 1:00:00 The second chapter of La Cruda 1:14:00 Barassi arrived 1:22:20 Expressing love through the networks 1:29:20 Is Olga Barassi coming? 1:40:45 His vocation as an actor 1:48:22 Micropenis faces 1:51:30 The bite has arrived 2:00:00 The next question is the following Migue vs Barassi 2:29:11 Ping pong with Darío Barassi 2:42:50 Sexual health with Cecilia Cé 2:54:25 THE SATISFIER PUT THE GOALKEEPER TO SLEEP 2:58:00 THANKS DARÍOOO 3:12:20 The pass with Se Extraña la Nona #olga #olgaenvivo #miguegranados #olgaenvivo #granados #streaming #sonequevolaba #lucasfridman #dariobarassi #tefirusso ---- HEY! YOU! You can also stop by: Instagram: / olgaenvivo Twitter: / olgaenvivo TikTok: / olgaenvivo Twitch: https://twitch.com/olgaenvivo