Welcome to another video from Cantando com Manu. How to sing high and super high notes without them sounding false, weak and boring? This is the topic of this 100% practical class with super important information for you to say goodbye to false high notes once and for all. Leave your questions, comments or suggestions so that our videos are even better! =============================================================== Join my email list: http://aulasmanucavalaro.manucavalaro... =================================================================== FIND OUT EVERYTHING ABOUT MY ONLINE SINGING COURSE FROM ZERO TO STAGE: https://bit.ly/2Zm4kiK ================================================================ ALSO ACCESS: Telegram: https://t.me/cantandocommanu Instagram- http://bit.ly/2SJizfe Website- http://manucavalaro.com.br/ Facebook- / manucavalaro Don't click here: http://bit.ly/33eDacA