Today I would like to share with you a beautiful verse from Psalm 119:114: “You are my refuge and my shield; I will wait in hope for what you say.” This verse reminds us that God is our refuge and protection, even in the most difficult times. David, the psalmist, was fleeing for his life, hunted by his father-in-law Saul. Instead of seeking refuge in men, he found his refuge in God. This is a lesson for us today: our safety is not found in things or people, but only in God. He is our shield against the attacks of the enemy, those that aim to break our hearts and shake our faith. We all have times of trials, temptations, and sometimes we feel the arrows of the enemy reaching us. But instead of running away, I encourage you to run into the arms of the Father. It is there, in the shelter of the Most High, that we are truly protected. It is there that we can hear God’s voice and receive His direction for our lives. So today, schedule a time to be with Him. Pray, praise, and thank Him for His protection. Don’t let the distractions of life keep you from His presence. God is our shelter and shield. He wants to speak to you, comfort you, and guide you. ✝️ "The Gospel of the Day" is a meditation on the Bible that aims to speak to Christians and all those who are interested, near or far, in the Christian faith... ???? If you wish to receive "The Gospel of the Day" by email, you can register here: https://icnews.fr/on-est-ensemble/ ✔️ Also remember to subscribe to the channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/OnEstEnsemb... ???? To see all the verses of the day, here is the playlist: • The Gospel of the Day What does Jesus say? ???? To support #OnEstEnsemble, it's here: https://donorbox.org/onestensemble-yo... Music used: "The Song of the Angel" Composition by Gabriel Alonso (Copyrights 2020) #Jesus #Bible #Meditation #Gospel #OnEstEnsemble