Subscribe to the RTVI Telegram channel: https://t.me/rtvimain Russian blogger, writer, translator Dmitry Puchkov, also known under the pseudonym Goblin, told why he considers Solzhenitsyn a mediocre writer, how he ended up serving in the police, where his famous nickname came from, how he started translating films, why, in his opinion, Bondarchuk slandered his fellow servicemen in "The 9th Company", how he feels about those stars who left Russia, why he went to work for the Ministry of Culture and whether artificial intelligence will be able to learn to translate and voice films in the future. Subscribe to @RTVItainment and like RTVI News - all the main events in a 24/7 format: / myrtvi 00:00 "Legend". Dmitry Puchkov 01:25 What does his soul ache for the most? 02:12 About life in Germany. Is it really as bad there as they tell us? 03:23 Why should every man serve? 05:20 Is it true that he dodged the Chernobyl disaster cleanup? 07:25 Why didn't he continue serving in the army? 08:42 What happened to his son and why did they live in Uzbekistan for two years? 09:52 Did he join the police because he read The Gulag Archipelago? 14:27 Does Puchkov understand his own people? 14:58 Is it true that Nevzorov* was friends with the police when he hosted the 600 Seconds show? 15:42 Why did Nevzorov call the police goblins? 17:29 How did society treat the police? 19:44 How did computer games appear in his life? 22:15 When did he start translating films? 24:22 Why did Dmitry start learning English? 24:47 On changing his last name to Blackmore 25:13 How does he feel about tattoos? 26:14 On the Bozhya Spark studio. How did this name come about? 28:37 Why did his translations become so popular? 30:18 “I don’t consider this literature” — on his book “Dungeon Orderlies” 32:42 Was the translation of “The Lord of the Rings” collected from comments? 33:37 On anime and Japanese culture 35:39 Are American cartoons more useful than anime? 37:02 Is he for or against swearing in movies? 38:36 Did Bondarchuk slander his fellow servicemen in “The 9th Company”? 42:18 How did Bondarchuk respond to criticism? 42:49 Why did he go to work for the Ministry of Culture? 43:52 Is he happy with his job? 44:28 Why didn’t he make a movie about zombies? 45:45 About life in the GDR 48:12 About underage morons and underage geniuses 52:42 "Vladimir Vladimirovich is a typical Leningrader" 55:22 About the collapse of the USSR 59:03 Is it true that there was democracy in the 90s? 1:00:41 What are his complaints about the intelligentsia? 1:01:42 Why did he ask Putin a question about fakes in 2019? 1:02:44 Why doesn't he travel to European countries? 1:03:32 Does he feel safe in Russia? 1:04:48 When the Wagner PMC went to Moscow, wasn't he scared? 1:06:01 "Mercenary troops are useless and dangerous" - does he agree with this statement? 1:07:26 What does he think about the stars who left Russia? 1:09:43 Why is he ready to forgive Ivan Urgant? 1:10:51 The story when Medvedev decided to avenge Puchkov 1:11:48 Is it possible to fix humanity? 1:13:00 Will AI be able to translate films? 1:16:19 What is its mission in the historical fate of Russia? 1:17:02 Three questions from Leo Tolstoy *Alexander Nevzorov is recognized as a foreign agent in Russia