In this fascinating installment of Mysteries with Soul, Alma Coronel and her brother James Coronel explore the hidden secrets of the emblematic Hinojosa Theater, in the magical city of Jerez de García Salinas, Zacatecas. Accompanied by Mr. Pepe Carrillo, who has dedicated years of his life to this historic venue, they discover shocking stories of paranormal phenomena. From the appearance of a woman dressed in white walking through the corridors, to psychophonies of a girl crying for help, this theater holds mysteries from the past: stories of people hanging on the stage, actors who suffered inexplicable events in the dressing rooms and testimonies of entities under the stage. In a shocking moment, the paranormal investigator James Coronel manages to glimpse the presence of a being with the appearance of a monk or priest under the stage, who reveals to him that his mission is to protect the spirits that inhabit the place. What other enigmas does this theater hold? Discover it with us in this chilling tour. Don't forget to visit our sister channels to stay up to date with all the content from Alma Coronel on Telepaisa @ConAlmaCoronel and Alma Viajera @AlmaCoronel1