Mana HAPPY PRIDE, we are about to close the month and I did not want to leave without addressing this topic that, although it is becoming more accepted every day, we still have a long way to go. Let's hope to soon reach a place where everyone is free to be who they are, to love whoever they want and to feel what they feel. For this week's episode, I wanted to invite two great women who are part of the LGBTQ+ community and be able to hear from their own voices, where are we? How are we doing? And how easy or difficult is it to come out of the closet? Saskia Niño de Rivera @saskianino is a psychologist from the Universidad Iberoamericana and founder of the Reinserta Foundation, and Bárbara Arredondo Ayala @barbararredondo is a producer and activist with 15 years of experience working for inclusion and in favor of the rights of girls, women and peacebuilding, and co-founder of Decididas. Listen to this episode on any of the following platforms: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, and Youtube. ???? #pride #pridemonth #sensiblesychingonas #podcast #pridemonth2022