The dream of a quiet retirement in Poland has been shattered for many residents of the Sonnenwald senior citizens' residence. Part one: • The dream of a quiet retirement in Poland ... More documentaries in the playlist: • All documentaries & reports Even more documentaries in the ARD media library: https://1.ard.de/dokus Construction has stopped in Krzeszyce near the German-Polish border for two years. The property developer has filed for bankruptcy. None of the promised services, such as a nursing station and a rehabilitation center with a swimming pool, have been realized. Around three years ago, Dieter Fiebig and his wife moved from Gotha to the Polish Sonnenwald senior citizens' residence in Krzeszyce near the German-Polish border. The senior citizens' village was still under construction. The plan was to build a care and nursing station, a rehabilitation center with a swimming pool and a restaurant. On paper, a little paradise and everything at affordable prices. In 2020, rbb made a film about the difficult move of the Fiebig couple, who were retired during the Corona period. In the meantime, 84-year-old Dieter Fiebig has settled in well in Krzeszyce. With the help of a translation app on his cell phone, he can shop in the village and make new contacts. Other German residents, such as Felicitas Elster and her husband Hans-Günther Rinkleib, are eagerly learning Polish and have made friends in the local senior citizens' club. But nothing has come of their quiet retirement: the Sonnenwald senior citizens' residence has not been built for a good two years. None of the promised offers have been realized. The Polish property developer has filed for bankruptcy. For many residents, a dream has been shattered. Some are still hoping for a happy ending with a new investor. Some are daring to make a fresh start elsewhere in Poland. Film by Team Kowalski, Katharina Zabrzynski First broadcast: November 22nd, 2023/rbb Image: rbb #poland #documentary #reportage #documentary #polish #pension #pensioner #insolvency