The exciting story of British intelligence agent George Blake, who spied for the Soviet Union for nearly a decade after converting to communism during his captivity during the Korean War. He is undoubtedly the dean of the world's spies and the most dangerous of the Cold War spies. Blake was the last British spy whose secret work for the Soviet Union was an insult to the intelligence establishment when he was exposed at the height of the Cold War. Britain says the former spy revealed the identities of hundreds of Western agents in Eastern Europe during the 1950s, some of whom were executed as a result of Blake's betrayal. Blake was exposed as a Soviet spy in 1961, and was sentenced to 42 years in prison in London. But he escaped in 1966 with the help of other prisoners and two peace activists, and was smuggled out of Britain in a van, crossing Western Europe in secret and crossing the Iron Curtain to East Berlin. Blake spent the rest of his life in the Soviet Union and then Russia, where he was celebrated as a hero. Blake was born in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, in 1922 to a Dutch mother and an Egyptian Jewish father who obtained British citizenship and fled the Netherlands during World War II before joining the Dutch resistance as a courier, arriving in Britain in January 1943. Blake then joined the British Navy and began working with the British Intelligence Service (MI6) in 1944. Russian President Vladimir Putin mourned him after his death, and the Kremlin published a message of condolence in which President Vladimir Putin said that Blake was a professional with a special degree of activity and courage, and that his contributions to equality and peace in the world were invaluable. Prepared and presented by: Ibrahim Al-Jarhi If you like the video, don't forget to subscribe to the channel to watch a new episode every Friday at ten o'clock Morning Cairo time To subscribe to the channel https://www.youtube.com/c/NestProduct... To join and support the channel / @nestproductions Video lists you will like Russia and Ukraine • The Russian-Ukrainian War All the Fuhrer's Men • All the Fuhrer's Men World War II • World War II World War I • World War I Cold War • Cold War The Egyptian-Israeli War • The Egyptian-Israeli War Historical figures • Historical figures Short story • Short story Background music in most episodes from this site https://www.epidemicsound.com/referra... Connect with us on Facebook / nestproductions #Spies #Cold_War #History