In this class (3 of 4), Professor Marcelão da Química addresses the issue that the total pressure of a gas mixture is nothing more than the result of the sum of the partial pressures of all the gases that make up the mixture. This concept is known as Dalton's Law for gas mixtures. It can be represented mathematically by: P = p1 + p2 + p3 + ... To demonstrate the theory, the professor solves 1 question: Question: (EEM-SP) A container with a capacity of 5.8 L and kept at 27°C contains 12.8 g of oxygen, 8 g of helium and 14 g of nitrogen. a) the total pressure of the system; b) the partial pressure of the gas with the largest molar fraction in the mixture. If by chance you need the previous classes (to get the most basic content), we recommend starting here: • Proportionality, Gas Theory P... Prerequisites: general gas equation, Clapeyron equation, chemical calculations, basic concepts involving gases, molecules. Want to access the full content, with exercise lists, study plans, simulations, live classes and tutoring? Get to know our platform: https://cienciaemacao.com.br/ 👉 FREE Summaries: 🚨 https://qema.me/resumos-gratis 🚨 Sign up and receive the most frequently asked questions in ENEM and Vestibulares every week. Access all Chemistry content at https://quimicaemacao.com.br/ Facebook: /quimicapaulovalim Instagram: @plvalim