ATTENDANCE FORM: https://bit.ly/2XX5P61 REGISTRATION FOR UPCOMING WEBINARS: 08/20 - Robotics in Basic Education: https://bit.ly/2YecWHJ 08/25 - Digital Humanities in Basic Education: https://bit.ly/31IwYuI 08/27: Computational Thinking as a Skill of the Future: https://bit.ly/33Se0Vb EVENT DESCRIPTION With the aim of promoting the articulation between educational theory and teaching practice, the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE) and the Joaquim Távora High School Reference School (EREM) will hold, between August 18 and 27, the “Technology Journey in Education”. The event, which will have as its theme “a dialogue between university and school”, brings together researchers, teachers and undergraduate and high school students who reflect on and seek to apply technology experiences in basic education schools. In total, 4 free webinars will be held, open to the public and which will award certificates to participants. The meetings will be broadcast on the UFRPE YouTube channel (/ufrpeoficial), in the second half of August, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. On each occasion, contemporary themes on the relationship between technologies and Education will be addressed. The target audiences of the Conference include Basic Education teachers, undergraduate students, and faculty trainers from Higher Education institutions. Others interested in the topic are also invited to participate. People interested in the reflection and application of technologies in the context of Basic Education are invited. SPEAKERS Prof. Dr. Filomena Moita (UEPB) She is a professor at the State University of Paraíba, in the Postgraduate Programs Master's in Science Teaching and Mathematics Education and Professional Master's in Teacher Training. She completed her sandwich doctorate at the University of Lisbon. She is a member of the Brazilian Network of Electronic Games and the Portuguese Scientific Community of Video Games and coordinates the TDAC Research Group - Digital Technologies and Knowledge Acquisition. Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Lins Rodrigues PhD in Computer Science. He is the Coordinator/Leader of the Laboratory of Analytical Evidence in Educational Technologies - EVANTE. Permanent Member of the Postgraduate Program in Technology and Management in Distance Education (PPGTEG/UFRPE) and of the Postgraduate Program in Teaching Science and Mathematics (PPGEC/UFRPE). His research focuses on the area of Learning Analytics. Prof. Paulo Alexandre Professor of the state network of PE, researches and develops projects on the use of games for teaching History. He produces the blogs Históriablog (https://historiablog.org/ ) and Escola em Jogo (https://escolaemjogo.com/ ). Master in History (UFPE), licensed in History (UFRPE), took specialization courses in Teaching History, Technologies in Education and Educational Law. Rafael Albino Student at UFRPE in the Computer Science Degree course.