Amidst so many discussions about what the future of work holds, Maira Habimorad tells us what will not change. She has 18 years of experience at Grupo Cia de Talentos leading the recruitment, selection and management of development programs for trainees, interns and managers throughout Latin America. Co-founder of Bettha.com and Biruta - Career Education Platforms aimed at high school and college students; Career Commentator for Jornal Conta Corrente on GloboNews; Columnist for Revista Cosmopolitan; Co-author of the book “Sua Carreira”, from the Conta Corrente collection; Studied International Relations at FAAP; Certified Coach by the Brazilian Coaching Society; Training in Management and Leadership at FIA, Haas School of Business - Berkeley, Hyper Island and Singularity University; This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx