★Original broadcast [APEX] APEX is over and APEX is coming w/Darumabanira [VSPO/Ichinose Uruha] • [APEX] APEX is over and APEX is coming w/Darumabanira [VSPO/Ichinose Uruha] ★Channel Ichinose Uruha / @uruhaichinose Darumaisgod / @darumaisgod Vanilla / @cr.vanilla ★VSPO! Permission number: 101135B ★Tags #Ichinose Uruha #Daruma Izugotto #Vanilla #Cutout 0:00 Intelligent Vanilla 5:49 Daruma criticizes Ichinose Uruha's pin 6:39 Daruma: "There are 300 types of Oku" 12:39 Daruma watches vanilla fight in a really creepy skin 14:02 Garbage House Duo 19:02 Urubani Daruma enters the resting place with the intention of dying 25:13 Ichinose Uruha: "Vanilla's kindness really stands out when Daruma is around" 30:05 Ichinose Uruha: "What did you eat?" Daruma: "Rabbit" 30:26 Daruma: "Use your head! Muscle-brained!" ↓For any questions, please contact us↓ [email protected]