University of São Paulo researcher Daniel Bonomo talks about Hermann Broch's book, The Death of Virgil, which is an allegory about the dramatic last 18 hours of the life of the Roman poet Publius Virgil Marão. Based on the theory that the poet wanted to burn his masterpiece, the Aeneid, shortly before he died, Broch recounts what went through Virgil's mind - and around him - during those hours, and how he was convinced by Emperor Octavian Augustus not to destroy the poem that narrates the rise and glory of Rome. From Monday to Friday at 9 am and 8 pm, the Estúdio Univesp program brings interviews, debates, special reports, news and a summary of the programming on UNIVESP TV. The channel for those who want to know more and always learn! Also watch at http://univesptv.cmais.com.br/ Tune in to UNIVESP TV through the digital channels of TV Cultura's multiprogramming. In São Paulo, the channel is 2.2. Santos - Guaruja, channel 3.2, Ribeirão Preto, 4.2.