The theme of this program is the book The Magic Mountain, by Thomas Mann - author who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1929. The guest is Professor Jorge Mattos Brito de Almeida, from the Department of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at FFLCH - USP. *Watch UNIVESP TV live, and see our full schedule at http://univesptv.cmais.com.br *From Monday to Friday at 9 am and 9 pm, the Estúdio Univesp program brings interviews, debates, news and special reports to the UNIVESP TV screen. The channel for those who want to know more and always learn! *Tune in to UNIVESP TV through the digital channels of TV Cultura's multiprogramming. In São Paulo, the channel is 6.2. *About UNIVESP TV: http://univesptv.cmais.com.br/sobre-a...