Another song in the WH40k universe. Many thanks to Artem Nesiolovsky for the lyrics and sponsorship! Fun Mode is a rock and alternative rock band from Russia. Become a channel sponsor and you will get access to exclusive bonuses. https://boosty.to/funmode You have the opportunity to support our work! Help the release of new cool tracks as soon as possible: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/funmode Leave a tip, support with a ruble: https://tips.yandex.ru/guest/payment/... Sber, Tinkoff: +79201551593 QIWI: +79201551593 YandexMoney, PayPal: [email protected] We are in social networks: VKontakte https://vk.com/fun_m0de Insta / TWITCH / fun_m0de Merch: https://funmode.myprintbar.ru/ And also listen to our music on online platforms: Yandex, Apple, Spotify and others! https://music.yandex.ru/artist/5286660