Amrapali is a major historical character of Buddhist literature who is said to be the first prostitute to join the Buddhist Sangha. Amrapali was not an ordinary prostitute but was the city bride of Vaishali, whose splendor even outshone the chiefs of the Ganas. Her beauty was so extraordinary that the emperor of Magadha Bimbisara was fascinated by her and became ready to fight with the Lichchhavis. Due to Amrapali's wisdom and sacrifice, the crisis of Vaishali was averted but her relationship with Bimbisara resulted in a son. But the happiest turn in Amrapali's life comes when Tathagata Buddha visits her garden... and then the story moves towards an interesting end. The presented story of Amrapali is inspired by the story Ambapali by the famous Hindi writer Shri Acharya Chatursen Shastri. Historical Story of Amrpali Kahaniyon ki Chaupal #story #stories #kahani #kahaniya #buddha #historical