There's nothing better than a trip to the beach, especially with a bike like the NC 750X with the DCT gearbox that brought a lot of comfort and also ease. And to make everything even more perfect, I stayed in a place that looks like paradise, the TAHA'A BOUTIQUE inn, which provides accommodation full of experiences. For accommodation quotes, just contact them on Instagram @tahaapousadaboutique or via WhatsApp (12) 97850-6741 ????WATCH ALSO: TRIUMPH SCRAMBLER 400X 5 POSITIVE POINTS AND 5 NEGATIVE POINTS • TRIUMPH SCRAMBLER 400X 2024 5 POINTS... TRIUMPH SPEED 400 5 POSITIVE POINTS AND 5 NEGATIVE POINTS • TRIUMPH SPEED 400 5 POSITIVE POINTS... YAMAHA LANDER XTZ 250 2023 5 POSITIVE POINTS AND 5 NEGATIVE POINTS • YAMAHA LANDER XTZ 250 2023 5 points... BIEFFE RACING TEAM SPONSORS AND PARTNERS: @bieffecapacetes @championlubesbrasil @acaifrutabrasileiraoficial @jejdistribuidoraosasco @aliaseguros @jeskapoficial @bmwmotorrad_euromotors.jundiai @motorecia @eudaniel.china @dnafilters @vianaracing @BolachaCaipira @2mt_motorsports ???? CHANNEL PARTNERS: CHAMPION LUBRICANTS / championlubesbrasil BIEFFE HELMETS https://www.bieffe.com.br PEELS CAPACETES https://www.peels.com.br HLX STORE https://www.hlxstore.com.br Follow us on social media and stay up to date with everything that will air in the coming weeks here on YouTube. Instagram: @mabubulla_ @ricardofox69 @motorecia Thank you and see you in the next video. #moto #motorcycle #ilhabela #moto #litoral #marianabubulla #litoralnorte #motorecia #honda #nc750x