FROM BAYONET TO BILBAO. Iparraldea kantuz Euskalduna Palace – 2012/12/20 0:00:00 / 1.-Kalakan: “Kantuz” 0:05:10 / 2.-Etxamendi and Naia Robles: “Joseba Elosegi” 0:07:58 / 3.-Naia Robles: “Maitia nun zira” 0:10:41/ 4.-Erramun Martikorena: “Eztei cheddarak 0:14:13 / 5.-Kantiruki group: “Ama“ 0:17:22 / 6.-Kantiruki group: “Antxuriz“ 0:20:27 / 7.- Bidaia+ Niko Etxart: “Goizean argi hastean” 0:24:52 / 8.- Mixel Ducau & Niko Etxart: “So bat” 0:27:52 / 9.-Pantxoa and Peio: “Askatasuna” 0:32:14 / 10.-Pantxoa and Peio: “Kanta aberria / Aupa gizona” 0:38:10 / 11.-Kalakan group: “Txori resiñula” 0:41:51 / 12.-Anje Duhalde & Maialen Errotabehere: “Oi kanta berri” 0:45:11 / 13.-Errobi: “Gure lekotasuna” 0:51:03 / 14.-Errobi; “Nora Goaz” 0:54:58 / 15.-Anje Duhalde + Niko Etxart: “Eperra” 0:59:46 / 16.-Anje Duhalde (+ Niko Etxart): “Kantuz” 1:03:14 / 17.- Errobi: “Gure zortea” 1:10:35 / 18.- “Oi ama Euskal Herri ------------------------------------------- FROM BAYONET TO BILBAO. Singing the North Euskalduna Palace – 20/12/2012 This songbook aims to spread the spirit of the North to the South, perhaps without realizing it, by introducing the songs, authors and performers that have been and are essential to our folk songbook. The North, our North, is undoubtedly a source of inspiration for us. We cannot forget that many South-based singers (Benito Lertxundi, Mikel Laboa, Imanol and many others) have sung, fascinated by the aesthetics and symbolism of the North, throughout their careers. They drank from those sources, and listening to those songs has awakened in many of us the desire to discover the North. Songs with attractive melodies, rich poems and astonishing beauty… Land, love and freedom, three values, three desires and three realities: a bridge to the past, a gateway to the future, a present made into a song. Etxamendi and Larralde · Mixel Ducau · Naia Robles · Erramun Martikorena · Biadia · Pantxoa Carrere & Peio Ospital · Kalakan · Niko Etxart · Kantiruki · Anje Duhalde · Jean Mixel Bedaxagar · Maialen Errotabehere · Rorobi This concert aims to bring to the public a living, current and vibrant reality, a reflection of the great spiritual power of our neighbors. The best known will be there; and others who, without being so popular among us, realize excellent works of interpretation and creation. There will be the past generations, the present and those who are already knocking at the doors of the future. FROM BAYONNA TO BILBORA - Iparraldea Cantuz wants to open the spirit of the North to the South and to get to know songs, creators and performers who, without telling us perhaps, have been there and are fundamental in the development of our popular song.