👉 FlyBy11 is the essential tool to bypass hardware restrictions and install Windows 11 24H2 on your old PC! In this video, I explain everything: Why Windows 11 is blocked on many computers. The steps to use FlyBy11, a free and open-source tool. Precautions to take before migrating. 📌 On the program: 1️⃣ Download and configure FlyBy11. 2️⃣ Create a modified ISO for the upgrade. 3️⃣ Comparison of the two methods proposed by the tool. ⚠️ Warning: Windows 11 24H2 is still unstable at the moment. I recommend this method for family or personal use, but not for professional environments. 💾 Download FlyBy11 on GitHub: https://github.com/builtbybel/Flyby11 📚 The tutorial on our site: https://www.tutos-informatique.com/fl... 👍 If this video helped you, remember to like, share and subscribe for more tech tutorials 🚀!