Justice is one of the fundamental pillars of any democratic society. In Colombia, the judicial system faces a series of challenges regarding its efficiency, transparency and accessibility for all citizens. The reform of the justice system is presented as a necessity to ensure that the system is more equitable, impartial and agile, and that it adapts to the realities and demands of the country. Through this forum, we seek to generate a space for reflection and discussion on how the reform can transform the Colombian judicial system to make the principles of justice, equity and democracy a reality. Connect! #JusticeReform #senate #portfolio SUBSCRIBE: https://bit.ly/PortafolioYT Follow us on our social networks: Twitter: /portfolioco Facebook: /portfolio.co Instagram: /portfolioco Portafolio Portafolio is a specialized media outlet on economic, business and entrepreneurial issues in Colombia and the world. Get a detailed analysis of current economic events here and learn about the perspectives of the different sectors of productive activity in the country. For more information, go to: http://www.portafolio.co Other Channels El Tiempo: / eltiempo CityTv: / citytvbogota Bravíssimo Citytv: / bravissimocitytv FutbolRed: / futbolredco / portadorco