An affair in a relationship shakes the foundation of a relationship and initially raises many questions. The breach of trust is at the heart of this. Trust is the anchor of a healthy relationship, and when it is broken, it is often extremely difficult to restore it. The person who has been cheated on may feel betrayed and hurt at that moment, which leads to deep pain and puts a lot of strain on the relationship. Then, after an affair, communication is often disrupted. Both partners often find it difficult to talk openly about their feelings in the period afterward. The person who has been cheated on can take their time and try to process the hurt, while the person who caused it may have difficulty explaining or justifying their actions. This can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunication, which puts further strain on the relationship. In addition, an affair can also drive self-esteem into a crisis. The person who has been cheated on often doubts their own worth and attractiveness and wonders why their partner cheated in the first place. This self-doubt can lead to mental chaos and a serious loss of self-confidence, which has a major impact on well-being. In the period after an affair, it is crucial that both partners are willing to work on the relationship and support each other. The person who caused the affair must take responsibility for their actions and be honest. It is important to examine the background of the affair and understand how it came about. In order to begin the healing process, the person who was cheated on must also be willing to forgive if they still see a future for the relationship. Open and honest communication is essential in any case for overcoming an affair. Both partners must be willing to talk about their feelings and listen to each other. __________ Where can you find us? Well here: https://www.lebensidealisten.de __________ You can find us on our social media channels at: Facebook: / lebenssidealisten Instagram: / lebenssidealisten Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.de/lebensideali...