Rustam Yuldashev, an expert at the National Institute for Strategic Studies, at the CEO Club meeting outlined the impact of the pandemic on international trade, and also provided an understanding of Ukraine's place on the world stage and how the state builds relations with various trading partners. 00:00 Intro by Rustam Yuldashev 01:17 The impact of the pandemic on external markets and world trade in 2020 03:07 WTO forecasts for 2021–2022 03:34 The situation on external financial markets 04:57 Ukraine's external economic indicators in 2020 and main trading partners 11:53 The main factors influencing Ukraine's external trade in 2020 13:37 Ukraine's trade relations with the EU and China 17:41 Trade relations between Ukraine and the USA 18:49 Ukraine's trade relations with the countries of the Middle East and North Africa 19:48 Trade relations between Ukraine and Sub-Saharan Africa 20:44 Trade relations between Ukraine and the CIS 21:43 Trade relations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation 22:30 Trade restrictions: Russian measures against Ukraine, Ukrainian measures against the Russian Federation 26:00 Ukraine and the WTO CEO Club — an intellectual club for business leaders More about the club https://ceoclub.com.ua Facebook / ceoclubukraine Telegram https://t.me/CEOnotes Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/3rCgcJG Google Podcasts https://bit.ly/3aO9fQ3 Other videos: — Economy of Ukraine 2021. Taras Kozak, Dmytro Polkovsky, Oleksiy Gerashchenko • Economy of Ukraine 2021. Taras Kozak, ... — Global financial market after the pandemic. Vladislav Inozemtsev • Global financial market after the pandemic... Comments on the video are moderated. Incorrect statements about the participants of the discussion or the club will be deleted. #economy #trade #finance