Dear needlewomen and needlewomen, you asked - we add! Meeting of embroiderers of Nizhny Novgorod. Very, very many embroideries were brought by embroiderers. Beautiful works from talented girls. We had a warm sit, chatted and discussed almost everything. In general, I hope the video will convey to you my emotions from the meeting! Enjoy watching! FOR THE FIRST TIME 100 CROSS-STITCH EMBROIDERY IN VIDEO! Meeting of Nizhny Novgorod embroiderers Riolis, Alisa, Dimensions - • FOR THE FIRST TIME 100 EMBROIDERY cross stitch and beads... HOW TO SEND YOUR EMBROIDERY FROM ANY CITY IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, THE CIS OR ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD TO ME FOR DESIGN: 1. Write to email: [email protected] 2. Call: 8 (812) 640 60 73 3. Write to telegram: @lenbaget_zakaz 4. Write to WhatsApp: 8 921 632 00 91 5. Write to VK - https://vk.com/sekrety_lozovskoj Our framing workshops in St. Petersburg - http://www.lenbaget.ru/ Write personal messages on VKontakte - https://vk.com/sekrety_lozovskoj My Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/tatiana_len... Don't forget to subscribe to the channel - https://goo.gl/RH4KvT