In this Paw Patrol cartoon compilation, a strong wind takes the surfers to Adventure Bay! The Paw Patrol must make sure everyone gets back to shore safely! When trouble breaks out in Adventure Bay, the Paw Patrol springs into action! Why? Because no job is too big, and no pup is too small! Watch as the Paw Patrol pups work together to keep Adventure Bay safe – whether it’s a kitten in a tree, a runaway chicken, or a derailed train – they always find a way to help in times of need! Don’t miss out on all the Paw Patrol fun! Watch full episodes of Paw Patrol on Nickelodeon! For more on Paw Patrol, visit: http://www.pawpatrol.com Stay up to date with the latest puppies news! FACEBOOK: / pawpatrol INSTAGRAM: / pawpatrol TWITTER: / pawpatrol #PAWPatrol #PawPatrol #PawPatrolEpisode