We love to eat. Thanks to the development of civilization, food has turned from a necessity into a source of pleasure! And the tastier and more exotic the food, the more valuable it is to us. Avocado from Asia, chocolate from Brazilian cocoa beans, Atlantic tuna, coffee from Ethiopia — all of this is available at your local supermarket. Every day in our lives, we take a small gastronomic trip around the world. Today, the planet produces more food than ever before in history. So much so that a third of it ends up in landfill. How humanity's growing appetite affects the environment and why we need to return to the habits of our ancestors — we figure it out in this issue of "Sorting". Food Waste Index https://wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/han... UN Food Waste Report https://www.unep.org/ru/novosti-i-ist... The Impact of Food Production on the Environment https://ourworldindata.org/environmen... Food Bank "Rus" https://foodbankrus.ru/proekty/fudshe... We thank the following for their assistance in creating this issue: Press Service of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and the EcoLine Group of Companies 01:18 The Scale of the Problem 05:59 The Water Footprint of Food 06:54 The Carbon Footprint of Food 08:48 Antibiotics and Their Consequences 12:42 The History of Food and Cultural Code 15:51 The Problems of Pesticides and Soils 16:47 Soil Degradation and the Greenhouse Effect 19:46 The Results of the Agricultural Revolution 24:41 Organic Farming 30:26 Post-Green Technologies 31:23 Organic Products in Russia 32:21 The Quality and Availability of Organic Products 36:00 Loss of Product Quality 37:54 The Impact of Climate Change 44:25 Consumer Society 46:19 Psychological Dependence on Marketing 47:16 Overproduction and Food Sharing 51:58 The Zero Waste Philosophy in a Restaurant 56:22 Sustainable Gastronomy 58:14 Conclusion ___________________ Don't forget to subscribe to us on other platforms: VKontakte — https://vk.com/public210121871 Telegram — https://t.me/sortirovochnaya Zen — https://zen.yandex.ru/sortirovochnaya