Recommended by caregivers!! This is a simple quiz. Prevent dementia casually every day!! This time, it's a food name fill-in-the-blank quiz with 20 questions in total! Please use the hints to give it a try! Please let us know in the comments how many answers you got right and your thoughts!! *You can write down different answers, but please do not write the answers in the video☆---------------------------------☆If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe to our channel! Subscribe to the channel here → / @training-brain ☆------------------------------☆ [Borrowed materials] ・BGM: zukisuzuki BGM https://zukisuzukibgm.com/ ・The audio for this channel and videos is by Ondoku https://ondoku3.com/ja/ ・A material store for YouTubers https://ytsozaiyasan.com/ #Easy #For the elderly #Dementia prevention #Brain training #Quiz #Mental teaser #Letter quiz #Fill in the blank #Hiragana fill in the blank