Paypal: https://paypal.me/cehlive VKontakte Donate: http://vk.cc/ao1RjT Tinkoff (transfers from cards of any banks): https://www.tinkoff.ru/sl/5u4aPKEh1sY The Florist line-up looks so natural that it seems like your classmates gathered at a rehearsal room. And then suddenly they started playing emo-rock and quoting Tarkovsky! Well, in the Workshop again your favorite genre in its best version - simple about the complex and very complex about the very simple. 0:00 - Wolf 4:00 - no face 12:50 - better luck next time Group: Florist https://vk.com/flrstt Producer: Egor Sorokin https://vk.com/georgy_sorokin Director: Vadya https://vk.com/nocamerapunk Camera: Vadya https://vk.com/id235636457, Oleg Nikolenko https://vk.com/ollister, Victor Anisimov https://vk.com/id250331462, Artur Milyakov https://vk.com/arthurmilyakov Editing: Victor Anisimov https://vk.com/id250331462 Recording: Dmitry Lukinov https://vk.com/echodrone Mixing: Elisey Romantsov https://vk.com/julerem Location: More Style Workshop / custom_interior , Radiola Rigonda https://www.instagram.com/radiola.rig... Support: Soundstorm repertochka https://vk.com/sound_storm, Kinemotor.ru store, Lenzvukband https://vk.com/lenzvukband