This year, too, it was easy to create a flop 10 with the worst films of 2019. Of course, bad films are not a new phenomenon, but cinema is increasingly degenerating into a waste recycling system: the focus is on established brands and names, and independent works are rarely created. Boring #blockbusters and the dominance of the #Disney corporation are leaving the screens desolate. #Hollywood productions are currently suffering immensely from a lack of originality. German cinema, on the other hand, has other problems: it reproduces kitschy images and cannot free itself from its Heinz Rühmann-like content. But above all, it is terribly despondent. In the video, Wolfgang M. Schmitt presents the cinematic total failures of the year! You can support THE FILMANALYSE financially - thank you very much! Wolfgang M. Schmitt Subject: THE FILM ANALYSIS IBAN: DE29 5745 0120 0130 7858 43 BIC: MALADE51NWD PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/filmanalyse In PROSPERITY FOR ALL, Ole Nymoen and I talk about Christmas and commerce: https://wohlstandfueralle.podigee.io/ Money and power: A new episode of THE POLITICAL ANALYSIS: • THE POLITICAL ANALYSIS #5 - Money is power I'm starting a new podcast with Stefan Schulz: THE NEW TWENTIES https://neuezwanziger.de/podcast/ I particularly enjoyed this interview with students: It's about Hollywood and the financial crisis • Hollywood and the financial crisis: Wolfga... SchallalaBla with Michael Krogmann and me continues - here is the second episode of the music talk: • SchallalaBla 2: Michael Krogmann and ... Wolfgang M. Schmitt on Twitter: / schmittjunior Wolfgang M. Schmitt on Facebook: / wolfgangm.schmittjun http://www.fatboyfilm.de / fatboyfilm / fatboyfilm