The feud between Nikita Mirzani and Fitri Salhuteru has recently heated up again. Yes, after Nikita Mirzani threw out a harsh sarcasm through social media, Fitri Salhuteru did not seem to stay silent and gave Nikita Mirzani a jab back. Even through her personal Instagram, Fitri Salhuteru challenged Nikita Mirzani to meet in person so that they would not get involved in a war of sarcasm on social media. To find out more about the feud between the two. Here are 5 feuds between Nikita Mirzani & Fitri Salhuteru according to Cumi Top V. #nikitamirzani #fitrisalhuteru #cumicumidotcom --- --- For Business Inquiries/Endorsement contact: [email protected] The most complete, hottest and latest collection of gossip news videos today about Indonesian celebrities Official Website: http://www.cumicumi.com/ Follow us on social media Facebook: / cumicumidotcom Instagram: / cumicumi.com_insta Twitter: / indigo_cumicumi WA Channel: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaHO...