Sepahtu Reunion Al-Puasa is a Sepahtu Reunion comedy sitcom broadcast in the month of Ramadan starring Jep, Shuib, Rahim and Pakya. Every week there will be celebrity cameos of various looks and styles Full of jokes and their variety in the month of fasting. This year, Sepahtu Reunion Al Moreh takes place, LIVE every Friday, at 10:00 PM, only on Astro Warna (ch 107) or streamed on Astro Go. #SepahtuReunionAlMoreh #SepahtuReunionAlPuasa #SepahtuReunion ------ Astro Gempak's latest gossip at https://gempak.com Watch Astro Gempak's interesting YouTube videos / @mychannel-i2c5j Comment on our Facebook post at / portalastrogempak Stalk our Instagram at / astrogempak Come on serve TikTok at / astrogempak Tweet Tweet us at / astrogempak