In early January 2024, Shiromotchi headed to the Komamume area of Kochi Prefecture. In this area that is strong against northwesterly winds, he aims to catch cold-weather greyre with a body similar to that of a Fujiko greyre. The theme this time is [the right time]. It's a term that you hear in general fishing, but it's surprisingly difficult to judge. This time, we'll show you how to judge the right time in Shiromotchi's way, as well as how to spread bait to make the most of the right time, which can be put into practice regardless of the area, so please take a look for reference. Cooperative ferry: Komamume Asahi Ferry Tsuri Musha Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tsurimusha_... Tsuri Musha homepage https://tsurimusha.jp/ #tsurimusha #grefishing #tsurimusha#fukasefishing #shorefishing #coldgrere#shiromotchi