So what? Good? All the RURAL DOCUMENTATION that I talk about in the video: 00:00 So what? Good? 01:50 Deed of rural property 04:00 Deed of possession or purchase and sale 05:09 Usucaption of rural land 06:13 GPS georeferencing 07:38 CCIR from INCRA 09:10 NIRF at the Federal Revenue Service 10:21 CAR from the Ministry of Agriculture 11:16 ADA from IBAMA 12:05 ITR - Rural Land Tax 13:40 CNPJ of Rural Producer 16:12 DAP for the Family Farmer In 2018 I made two videos on this topic, as they were out of date, I decided to re-record them! If there is any document that you don't know and is not on the list, leave it in the comments, and I'll take a look! We're together! #documentacaorural #propriedaderural #fugaprascolinas