Tatütata the fire brigade is here! More fire brigade adventures and free craft templates from Kikaninchen and his friends can be found here: https://www.kikaninchen.de/feuerwehr/... In Kikaninchen's snippet world, a blue flowerpot becomes the fire brigade's blue light. And Kikaninchen and Christian are already singing on their way to the next mission. A hole in the beaver dam causes flooding and the snails have to save themselves on the roofs of their houses! With their combined forces and the beaver, the two friends try to contain the masses of water. Kikaninchen and Christian then travel to the land of colors. The fire brigade crocodile and his fire engine are colorless. They have to change that. After the snippet rain, Moritz quenches a hippo's thirst as a fireman. Dibedibedab! ???? More episodes and free craft templates from KiKANiNCHEN: https://www.kikaninchen.de/kikaninche... ???? Download the KiKANiNCHEN app now: https://www.kika.de/eltern/ueber-uns/... 00:02 Kikaninchen Intro 01:27 Kikaninchen saves the snail shells 04:38 Fire brigade operation at the bird baby 05:54 Colors march for the fire brigade and crocodile 09:28 Water for the thirsty hippo 10:30 Inventor workshop in the KiKANiNCHEN app #firebrigade #kikaninchen #firebrigadeengine #firebrigadechildren #firebrigadesong -------------------------------------------------------------- ???? Leave a like if you liked the video and subscribe to our channel. -------------------------------------------------------------- ► KiKANiNCHEN is the joint preschool offering from ARD, ZDF and KiKA, which is primarily aimed at children. This means that certain functions such as comments are not available for some videos.