Our Elias is finally home with us after 15 days in hospital and intensive care. The terrible time is now behind us and we are looking forward to our new life as a family of five. HERE YOU CAN GET TO HELLOFRESH (COUPON CODE: HFSASKIASFAMILYBLOG) ************************************* http://hlfr.sh/hoNcVU SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR FREE: / saskiasbeautyblog MY CHAIN https://www.mainpunkt.com (discount code Saskia 2017) MY PILLOW COLLECTION https://www.purevelvet.at/looks/kisse... ___ MORE VIDEOS HERE ********************* FLODDER IN EVERYDAY LIFE • Flodder in everyday life - actually walk... DM LIVE HAUL • DM LIVE SHOPPING HAUL - way too much... FLEA MARKET VLOG • FINALLY CLEANED OUT! I am selling on... IKEA LIVE HAUL • IKEA LIVE SHOPPING HAUL directly from Ik... THERMOMIX FMA • HELP!! Milan cooks for us and I s... TIPS FOR LAZY PEOPLE • The BEST tips for lazy people!!! HACKS... TO THE PLAYGROUND WITH MAKEUP? • With waterproof makeup for water play... TOO MUCH SHOPPING IN THE DRUGSTORE • Please tell me you felt the same way... DRUGSTORE MUST-HAVES • DRUGSTORE MUST-HAVES - products that... EXTREME MAKEOVER EXCHANGE PACK • Huge change!!! This is how I would... MILAN'S 2ND BIRTHDAY • MILAN'S 2ND BIRTHDAY - who had more... WE WERE BROKEN IN • HOLIDAY ended in a NIGHTMARE! We were... A DREAM COMES TRUE • I CAN FINALLY TELL YOU ABOUT IT!!! ... SOMEONE DESTROYED OUR GARDEN • But that's not how I imagined it... HOLIDAY IN DUBAI • SOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL - holiday with the whole... DAILY FAMILY LIFE • The BEST everyday life in the world - so enjoy... MY CLEANING ROUTINE • CLEANING ROUTINE The daily madness in... MORNING ROUTINE • THIS IS HOW WE START THE DAY - morning rou... PACKING CHAOS • HOLIDAY?? Pure stress beforehand!! - what p... EVERYDAY HAUL • CRAZY MIX! The things you... FOLLOW ME ON ******************** FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Saskia... INSTAGRAM: / saskiasbeautyblog SNAPCHAT: xxx-saskia TWITTER : / sbeautyblog