Poliana and Filipa fight and it could be the end of As Aventuras De Poliana if Bela Fernandes and Sophia Valverde don't become friends again. Could this bullshit be why Sophia is dating Lucas Burgatti? Bela had a 15th birthday party and Sophia and Larissa Manoela weren't there. ===================================== ???? In this Video: Filipa and Poliana Fight in Real Life - Will it be the End of The Adventures of Poliana? Bela Fernandes and Sophia Valverde are not friends, it could be because of Lucas Burgatti's jealousy. The END of As Aventuras De Poliana may be closer because of this conflict between the actresses who play Filipa and Poliana. The END of the soap opera may not be so good if SBT decides to make the last chapter now, because of the reasons for the two not being friends anymore. At Sophia Valverde's party, Lucas Burgatti kisses her and surprises both them and Sophia. Sophia Valverde and Bela Fernandes don't get along, but they are still recording the soap opera and will continue until the end, but so far they don't speak to each other. ==================================== #filipaVSpoliana #Fim_de_AsAventurasdePoliana #belafernandes #sophiavalverde #festa #Novelogia ⚫ Produced By @Novelogia