The story of Galina Dmitruk @dmitruk_dolls, a Belarusian artist who moved to Moscow. As a teenager, she created her first doll and gained international fame. There is a queue for her designer dolls and collectors from all over the world are waiting for her new creation. She will show her workshop and reveal the secrets of promotion. / dmitruk_dolls - Dolls and master classes !!!! GIFT !!! from Galina, an oversized designer sweater with an image of one of the dolls. Write in the comments what you did for the sake of creativity and she will choose a fascinating story herself until the end of September 2022. The Happiness store is located in the Central Children's World in Moscow, Teatralny proezd 5/1, 1st floor. / happiness_moscow A gift for Galina - my Holich Toys toy made of natural fur. https://holichtoys.com / holich_toys