In today's episode, Felix von der Laden aka Dner is our guest and talks to us about a near-death experience in India, flirtations with locals and traveling in a private jet. What do you actually have to do to become a racing driver? What was the most spectacular trip? And why was he no longer allowed to set foot on the square in front of Cologne Cathedral? _______________________________________ Listen to Brainpain on all podcast apps: 🎙️ https://lnkfi.re/Brainpain _______________________________________ Felix von der Laden @FelixLaden on his channel: 📺YouTube: / felixladen _______________________________________ All channels of Florian Heider @Der Heider 📺Main channel: / derheider 📺2. Channel: / heidergeil 🖥️Twitch: / heidergeil ✍️Twitter: / heiderflorian 🖼️Instagram: / heidergram _______________________________________ All channels from Timon aka @Klengan 📺Main channel: / klengan 📺2. Channel: / klengansminecraftpalace 🖥️Twitch: / klengan ✍️Twitter: / klengantv 🖼️Instagram: / klengantv