📲 DO YOU WANT TO HAVE MY WhatsApp or Telegram CONTACT to ask questions about the classes? 📲 There are many advantages such as sharing images, audios and videos. 💶 Make monthly contributions of R$50.00 for as long as you want my attention. 📲 Make a PIX and send me the proof through one or more of the contacts below or to the administrator of the WhatsApp group. 📣 Access our WhatsApp group to have access to the links of the videos and PDFs. https://chat.whatsapp.com/I6ipeffxNDE... ____________________________________________ 💶 FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE CHANNEL 💵 Owner: Carlsbad Pereira PIX: 973.930.109-68 __________________________________________________ 📣 CONTACTS 📣 My INSTAGRAM is @problemasresolvidosmatfis Email [email protected] ___________________________________________________