Anselm Grün keeps meeting people who suddenly realise painfully: I have missed out on my life. Others simply don't get into life. They are afraid that they are not well enough educated or strong enough for the job. So they do nothing. The pandemic can also lead to a personal rethink as a turning point: everyone will experience in their life that they have missed out on something important. Then it is not about berating yourself, but about seeing the realisation as an invitation to live consciously now, to consider which life trace I now want to engrave in this world. The Benedictine monk encourages people to dare to live. Hope is a good companion. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus says: If you do not hope for the unexpected, you will not find it." Father Dr. Anselm Grün OSB is a bestselling author of spiritual books as well as a course leader and speaker who lectures worldwide.