In this special Farroupilha Week, we present a little of our repertoire for the Farroupilha festivities, a repertoire composed of original songs and great hits from our stage friends! Images and Editing - Romiel Gralak - RG2 Productions Recording Location: Clube Vanz - Videira - SC Repertoire: 00:00 - Andejo Composer: André Alfredo Coelho 03:02 - With Loose Reins Composer: Fabio Quarai 05:37 - Right in the Border Fashion Composer: João Sampaio / Jucelino Viçosa / Luiz Claudio 07:43 - A Tapera Heart Composer: Fabio Quarai 10:28 - Harmonica Woman and Surungo Composer: Ivo Ladislau Janicsek / Marcelo Kichalowski Names 12:45 - Campereada de Gaiteiro Composer: Crioulo Batista 14:10 - She's Xucra Composer: Fabio Quarai 17:09 - Goodbye to Erechim Composer: Dion Cássio Moraes de Oliveira 20:06 - Swinging on the Vanera Composer: 22:35 - Farrancho Missioneiro Composer: Ivacir Soares / João Luiz Corrêa 25:00 - Shaking the Mondonguêra Composer: Carlos Madruga / Davi Teixeira / Eugênio Simonetto 27:47 - I Am the Face of the Old Man Composer: João Alberto Pretto / Luiz Cláudio / Luiz Guilherme 29:50 - Vaneira of the Missions Composer: Adão Lanes / Salvador Lamberty 33:00 - The Xixo Composer: Vaine Darde 35:33 - Vaneira Santo Antonio Composer: Claudinei Santos 37:56 - For Her Composer: Jean Alves 40:41 - Dancing in the Corner Composer: Juliano Borges / Lincon Ramos 42:53 - Romance of the Erased Pito Composer: Luis Fernando Bender 46:10 - Compasso Fandangueiro Composer: Luiz Claudio / Manoel Cassiano / Marquinho Uylian