Hello everyone! My husband and I work on a dairy farm in Canada. The farm itself has many different processes that require certain skills. Therefore, we invite you to spend one shift with us, where we will show and tell about one of the most important processes - milking cows. GRADUATION PARTNERS: ⇢ eTalk https://etalkschool.com/uk/canadainde... Learn English! Promo code Ukraine - 10% discount Time codes: 00:00 - Introduction 00:30 - Getting up and going to work 00:59 - Starting the working day 03:25 - Getting to know the carousel 05:05 - Working nuances 09:00 - Starting milking 10:39 - Milk for calves 11:59 - Using iron clamps 12:59 - Udder treatment after milking 14:39 - Sick cows 15:37 - First break 17:10 - Continuing milking 18:06 - Cleaning the workplace 21:00 - Working with a milk taxi 21:36 - Second break 22:32 - Additional work 24:03 - End of shift RELEASE PARTNERS: ⇢ eTalk https://etalkschool.com/uk/canadainde... Learn English! Promo code Ukraine - 10% discount MY INSTAGRAM: / slavik_tanyska Working on a farm in Canada. Milking cows CANADA IN DETAILS #canada #immigration #workingincanada #livingincanada