#Farms_for_sale Sphinx Real Estate Marketing Offer Farm for sale 85 acres productive for the owner on an area of 3 acres A barn for animal production Scattered rest houses and workers' warehouses 2 wells Water without salinity 250 PPm 2 electrical transformers Transformer capacity 160 kilos Crops Mango Different varieties Flame grapes Crimson grapes Cairo-Alexandria Desert Road has two roads, one from kilometer 55 branching off from the desert 7 kilometers and another road from Abu Ghalib kilometer 58 The property is registered in the real estate registry in the name of the current seller All the details are in the video The required 50 million negotiable with the owner directly Don't forget to subscribe to the channel If you have something you want to sell, contact us 01000035817 01032166941 01289033415 Facebook link / sphinxmarkeitingg YouTube channel link https://youtube.com/channel/UCr1L0Ieb... #Real_estate_marketing #Farms_for_sale #Real_estate_for_sale #Opportunity #The_most_beautiful #Cheap_villas_for_sale #Mansouriya_palaces_and_villas #Villas_for_sale #Palaces_for_sale #Mansouriya_villas #Mansouriya_palaces #Mansouriya_farms #The_most_beautiful_palace #The_most_beautiful_villa #There_is_nothing_better_than_this #Free_price #The_cheapest_villa_and_farm #The_cheapest_palace_in_Zamzraa #Sphinx_Real_estate_marketing