Fajr prayer has a great status and amazing secrets that make it one of the most important prayers in Islam. In this video, we review the difference between Fajr prayer and Subh prayer, and explain the number of its rak'ahs and its great merit. We also discuss the two rak'ahs of Fajr and how to perform them step by step, and answer the question: Is Fajr prayer obligatory? In addition to teaching children how to perform prayer, and the importance of performing it in the mosque. Join us to discover the virtues of Fajr prayer, its secrets, and its authentic supplications, to live a unique spiritual experience and start your day with blessings and satisfaction from Allah. #Fajr_prayer #Congregation_prayer #Fajr_Quran #Nafl #Blessed_status #Seeing_Allah_Almighty #Good_deeds #Good_tidings #Islam #Quran #Hadiths #Quotes #Wisdom #Supplication #The_best_of_servants #Optimism #Patience #Gratitude #Repentance #Inner_peace #Peace_of_mind #Morals #Wisdom #Trust_in_Allah #Satisfaction #Tolerance #Certainty #Hope #Concealment #Good #Do_not_be_sad #Algeria #Syria #Egypt #Saudi_Arabia #Morocco #Iraq #Jordan #Oman