Watch even more episodes in the MULT app! First month for 1 ruble! https://clck.ru/32L6kS ???????? Bunnies https://bit.ly/bunnies1_2 Cats and Dogs ???????? https://bit.ly/CatDog_7 Leo and Tig ????????https://bit.ly/TigLeo47 NEW Fairytale Patrol ???? https://bit.ly/SkazPatrol43 NEW BE-BE-BEARS ???? https://bit.ly/mimimishki179 Chronicles of Miracles ???? https://bit.ly/hroniki14 Kidnappers ???????? https://bit.ly/mimimishki174 ???? Fairytale Patrol https://bit.ly/SkazPatrol42 ???? Be-be-bears https://bit.ly/mimimishki175 Leo and Tig ???? https://bit.ly/LeoTig45 Mi-Mi-Bears ???? https://bit.ly/mimimishki173 ???? ???? New episode https://bit.ly/LeoTig44 NEW MiMiBears Graffiti bit.ly/mimimishki172 #FairytalePatrol — #UnderWater Subscribe to stay up to date with your favorite cartoons: http://bit.ly/multkanal The girls became mermaids to help the Water Spirit disenchant the underwater city and find one of the keys. They were even met by the Water Spirit himself... if, of course, it really was him. Favorite heroines of the animated series "Fairytale Patrol" in the "Mult" store: https://tlum.ru/shop/podborki/kollekc... Fairytale Patrol is the exciting adventures of four sorceresses in the mysterious city of Myshkin. Alenka, Snezhka, Masha and Varya look like ordinary girls, but in fact they are the Fairytale Patrol. Their goal is to maintain a balance between the world of fairy tales and people, and this is not so easy, because something is always happening in the city! Watch other cartoons on our channel! Fairytale Patrol all episodes here: http://bit.ly/skazparul All episodes of Leo and Tig: http://bit.ly/2mQZ3gY All episodes of Katya and Eph. Anywhere Door: http://bit.ly/KateEfall And also follow us on social networks and on the official website: Our website: http://multkanal.ru Our page in VK: https://vk.com/multkanal_tv Our page on Facebook: / multkanal