Cats are playful, affectionate, and friendly creatures just like dogs. At least when they're in the mood. But if you're thinking about getting a kitten, you might want to rule out these 10 dangerous breeds! Timestamps: Pallas's cat 0:58 Savannah 2:14 Chausie 3:40 Jungle cat 443 Abyssinian 5:43 British Shorthair 6:52 Maine Coon 7:51 Mekong Bobtail 8:48 Siamese 9:43 Bobcat 10:55 Music: https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/... Summary: - The Pallas's cat's defining feature is its uncat-like round eyes and pupils. But what's really important is whether this cat can be tamed? The answer is clear - you can't. - The Savannah is a hybrid of the African serval and a domestic cat. It has an elongated body and dark brown and black spots on its fur. - The Chausie is a hybrid of the Abyssinian cat and the jungle cat, which was worshiped in ancient Egypt. - The scientific name for the jungle cat is Felis chaus, but it is also called the house, jungle cat, and swamp lynx. As you might guess from the name, this cat lives in dense thickets of reeds and thorny bushes along the low-lying banks of rivers, lakes, and seas. - The Abyssinian cat is one of the most ancient cat breeds. It is believed that it comes from Abyssinia, that is, modern-day Ethiopia, but now many experts say that its homeland is actually Egypt. - If you are familiar with the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland or Puss in Boots from Shrek, then you can imagine what a British Shorthair cat looks like. This breed can weigh up to 9 kg and live up to 20 years. - Maine Coons are usually very large and weigh 9 kg, and sometimes more. The breed became famous thanks to the cat Mrs. Norris from the Harry Potter films. - The Mekong Bobtail can weigh up to 5 kg, and its life expectancy reaches 18 years. And, of course, we cannot fail to note the main distinguishing feature of this breed - a short tail! - Siamese are very talkative cats and have their own opinion on everything. They love to be entertained and require constant attention. They are usually distrustful of strangers and can be mischievous if left alone at home. - The bobcat is also known as the red lynx, and it looks like a common lynx, only 2 times smaller. And yet, there are such brave souls who get one as a pet. Subscribe to AdMe: http://goo.gl/DgUonf ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We are on social networks: 5-Minute Crafts on Youtube: https://www.goo.gl/8JVmuC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More cool articles and videos on http://adme.ru/