HOLA! HOLA! In this week's video I present to you all the equipment that an aesthetic doctor has in his medical office to be able to combat facial laxity. From non-invasive therapies to lifting, we have a whole range of products and machines that alone or combined with each other can give excellent results to prevent, reduce and practically make the excess tissue and loss of elasticity of the aged face disappear. In the video I give you an overview of products, machines and techniques, from classic mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid or collagen stimulators such as Radiesse or Sculptra, through minimally invasive therapies such as LED light or microneedling with radiofrequency, the famous Morpheus 8, arriving at the use of laser resurfacing based on CO2 laser or ablative and non-ablative Erbium laser. Because as I always tell you, where cosmetics and skincare don't reach, aesthetic medicine does. And where the latter doesn't reach, aesthetic surgery does. However, none of them exclude the other and if you put them together and know how to use, combine and exploit them, you get the best results.