Approach on the border of restricted airspace following a riverbed, sharp turns at low altitude before the short final straight, steep glide paths due to densely populated districts, busy airports in the city centers of metropolises. Large passenger transporters above the tower blocks, pilots with special authorization, tricky and not safe procedures, short runways built on artificial islands. This time we present three exciting and extreme airports: 00:00-15:32 London City Airport 15:33-18:27 Kai Tak Hong Kong 18:28-29:56 Reagan National Airport, Washington 29:57-31:49 Dulles International Airport, Washington 31:50-39:56 Santos Dumont Airport, Rio de Janeiro How did the docks become an airport in the heart of London in the 80s? How do flights arriving at Rio airport safely make a nearly 180-degree turn three kilometers from Cukorsvívehegy? How should one approach the course, in the immediate vicinity of which stands the Pentagon, and on the other side of the river stand the most strictly guarded government buildings? Heading to London, Washington and Rio de Janeiro, but we also took a look at Hong Kong for a moment. Gábor Somogyi-Tóth, the manager of the Aeropark, and captain Béla Trangóni tell us about these special places. (Editor: Balázs Kránitz) If you would like to support the rebirth of the airplanes on display in the Aeropark: Donation by bank transfer: 10101360-03379200-01003004 Air Transport Cultural Center Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. (Please write: donation in the comments section) More information here: www.aeropark.hu