Hello! You are at CBI RESPONDE. I am Mari Fenta, a teacher, educational psychologist and master in special education. The expanded phenotype in autism reveals a reality that is often underestimated: parents who, when seeking diagnoses for their children, begin to recognize in themselves the same characteristics related to the autism spectrum. This phenomenon highlights the complexity of autism and helps us reflect on how traits can manifest themselves in subtle and varied ways. Understanding the expanded phenotype not only contributes to each family's journey, but also offers a broader perspective on human diversity. This connection between generations reinforces the importance of empathy and support, as each individual is unique in their expression and experience of autism. Do you want to learn more about this subject? Check out some materials that helped support this video! Expanded phenotype of autism - Renata Giuliani https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P3Tu... TCC - Tacyanne Maria https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P2qm... And you, do you have any experience to share on the subject? Write here in the comments! Thank you and let's continue together. To learn more about CBI of Miami: www.cbiofmiami.com Follow our social networks with exclusive daily information: www.facebook.com/cbiofmiami www.instagram.com/cbiofmiami #cbiofmiami #cbi #cbiresponde #autismo #tea #fenotipo #inclusão #familia